Solutions Lab
Technological Advancements
Solutions Lab
Technological Advancements
The development of robotic-assisted surgical systems, like the da Vinci Surgical System from Intuitive Surgical, showcases how advanced robotics is being integrated into medical devices. Integrations like these bring both opportunities and challenges, particularly regarding safety, usability, and regulatory approval.
Rapid technological advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and miniaturization present both opportunities and challenges for medical device companies. Staying on top of emerging technologies and integrating them into medical devices while ensuring safety and efficacy is essential.
Capsifi enables organizations to proactively manage innovation and harvest innovative ideas from all corners of the organization. Through its use of the idea management and innovation board, Capsifi collects, maintains, and prioritizes ideas for technical innovation and improvement across the product portfolio as they arise, providing a diverse backlog of ideas to draw upon when needed.
Capsifi also allows organizations to assess their operating model for digital readiness and agility, allowing them to plan, pivot and respond to consumer demand for technologically advanced products and experiences. By aligning the operating model to regulatory requirements, Capsifi can illustrate the important balance that the organization must achieve between technical ingenuity and patient safety.
Here’s some practical ways the Capsifi platform can address and resolve these industry-wide challenges: